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Stellarium fail

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I've read that Stellarium is highly recommended as a star atlas programme - until I can get around to buying my copy of S&T it would be handy to have as i always have my phone in my pocket! However, it doesn't seem to be supported on the iPhone? Is there a way of getting it to work with ios, or is it doomed to be sat on my laptop instead?

Incidentally I got a copy of a Stellarium-style app called "the Night Sky" about a year ago. Personally I haven't found it all that useful - has anyone else tried to use this app?

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I've used the Night Sky - I quite like it but different things work for different people. There is a free Stellarium app for the iPhone, or certainly there was, I deleted it recently to make some room.

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The site actually states "iOS not supported", so something must have changed since people managed to download to iPhone before... pity.

Anyway I've now got Stellarium on my windows 7 laptop. Very cool! I love the way you can type in an object or location and then zoom in for greater detail, and the real-time rotation of the earth is nice as well. I'm going to see if I can find and resolve the Albireo double star this evening, so it should be a help to have a proper star chart to hand!

Can the "scope view" be configured to give a representative fov?

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Yes the scope view can be configured in the Oculars add in, very useful, as is the Telrad overlay if you use a Telrad.

Albireo is stunning and was one of the first things I looked at when I started exploring 7 months ago, good hunting :-)

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I use the Night Sky app for a quick look around because it doesn't display a huge depth of stars it seems to match up nicely with a typical sky view. For any serious viewing I tend to use Sky Safari on the iPhone / iPad and Starry Nights Pro on the laptop

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The iOS version of Stellarium was not produced by the regular Stellarium team, and has now apparently been withdrawn. All is not lost though, there are some good free (and some not so free) planetarium apps for iOS including of course, the various incarnations of Sky Safari.

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Sorry, I never realised it was withdrawn. Guess I better make sure I don't delete my copy!

It is still listed in the Stellarium wiki:


Clicking on the iTunes link gave me an error saying it is no longer available in the UK store, but is still available in the US store. I don't have a US id to verify.

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Yes the scope view can be configured in the Oculars add in, very useful, as is the Telrad overlay if you use a Telrad.

Albireo is stunning and was one of the first things I looked at when I started exploring 7 months ago, good hunting :-)

Thanks Paul - just had a good couple of hours and found Albireo, plus a second viewing of M31 and a load of practice star hopping. It wasn't easy though, I'm still getting used to RA Dec combined with the inverse fov. Starting with Vega helped; I'm finding that when you look at the sky with the naked eye, the bright constellation stars are obvious. Not so under magnification, even through the finderscope. Only the really bright ones seem to stand out!

The moon and a load of clouds have arrived now - plus all my optics have misted up badly, so that's probably the end of the night for me... I'm going to have to find out how to stop all this condensation. So many challenges getting in the way of me and the universe!

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Sorry, I never realised it was withdrawn. Guess I better make sure I don't delete my copy!

It is still listed in the Stellarium wiki:


Clicking on the iTunes link gave me an error saying it is no longer available in the UK store, but is still available in the US store. I don't have a US id to verify.

Well, I can only assume it was withdrawn from iOS. I have no idea why, but it certainly wasn;t developed by the core dev team. Here is a short thread from the Stellarium forum. There may be more info elsewhere, but this is what I found.


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Well, I can only assume it was withdrawn from iOS. I have no idea why, but it certainly wasn;t developed by the core dev team. Here is a short thread from the Stellarium forum. There may be more info elsewhere, but this is what I found.


Thanks - that confirms what I thought must be the case... in the meantime Sky Safari costs a couple of quid on the iPhone, so I think I'll stick to Stellarium on the laptop for planning, the Night Sky app for quickly "getting my bearings", and the pocket sky atlas for while I'm out with the scope! :smiley:

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