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Just had a great 45 mins out with my son looking at the moon answer Mizar/Alcor.

I picked him up a Tal Alcor from the local paper today for £25. Really good little scope and just the right height for him with the EP at the side.

He had a brilliant time. Loved Tycho which he came in and drew in his note book. He asked lots of great question too. Off to bed a tired but happy 6 year old. He's already asking when he can take his scope out again and told me not to use it.

Hopefully a little spark that will stay with him forever.

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2

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Just sent my two to bed after a couple of hours observing the Moon - and you're right about the cash, this was their first light with the new skyliner 150 dob, bought ostensibly for my school astro-club but really to be their scope! Least I get a look through mine occasionally now :rolleyes:

They love the Moon & can now pick out many of the bigger features - though the younger was distracted by finding what she described as "The alien disco star" which turned out to be Capella twinkling wildly!

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Providing children with the opportunity to experience things is such an important thing to do. Perhaps they might take it further, perhaps they will pass over it for something else but providing them with the opportunity allows them to make a choice. I do hope he does develop his interest in astronomy as it will be something he can do for the rest of his life.

Thanks for sharing.


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First thing he said to me this morning - 'Daddy, will there ever be a time when we can see more of the Great Northern Polar Bear?'

(Referring to the fact that most of the Great Best is currently behind our roof with just the tail poking out!)

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2

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