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Mono CCD Camera Suggestions


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Hi All,

I have taken advantage of my laptop "packing up" (have a new one with a 17" screen which is much sharper/clearer) and started to have a think about what mono CCD camera I should buy.

I want the biggest chip that can be used with the Astronomik 1.25" LRGB filters. What I was thinking about was the Atik 16HR.

Would this work well with my 130mm F6 APO ? Are there any other possibilities?


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Maybe the fact that there is now some competively priced competition appearing on the 'market', it might force SX to review their 'pricing strategy' ;)


I seem to remember several months ago that Telescope House sold off some SXV cameras for nearly half price. Perhaps I should ask them for the SXVF H9 at the same price as the ATiK :wink:


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Hi. John,

I bought myself a mono camera on UK Astro Buy Sell. It was a Starlight Xpress MX916. If it is used with Star2000 guiding software, the camera is a guide camera too. I believe it uses half the pixels to image, and the other half to guide. Then the process is reversed.

There must be a better explanation than that. ;) I want to use the whole chip for imaging, so I bought a SXV Guide head.

I also got a Tru Tech filter Wheel, and the necessary filters to do Tri colour imaging. This all sounds very grand, but although I have the equipment now, I still need the knowhow :wink: I hope that will come with time.

It cost me £500 for the camera itself. It seemed a fair price, as they were over a grand new. There are others on the Buy Sell site now.

Might be worth a look to see if anything catches your eye.

Ron. :(

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Even tho I really need to spend more time with it (blumming clouds!) I really do love my little Atik 16HR with a passion. Very easy to use, well put together.

Just need some more time with it to start producing the results that I know it's capable of ;)


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I seem to remember several months ago that Telescope House sold off some SXV cameras for nearly half price. Perhaps I should ask them for the SXVF H9 at the same price as the ATiK ;)


I bought my SXVF-H9C from TH, at a 'special offer' price of £1499, as opposed to £1849.


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John, the largest chip you can get and still be compatible with 1.25" filters is the Artemis 4021. It looks a very fine camera. You can get it from www.iankingimaging.com

This camera was my first option - but at £1995 it would be blowing the credit card at bit. ;)

My second thought was the AtiK 16HR which seems a good compromise between size and cost.


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I want the biggest chip that can be used with the Astronomik 1.25" LRGB filters.

The Artemis 4021 is the answer. However the Atik 16HR gives a lot of bangs per buck and will work extremely well with your scope. You will be imaging at 1.69 arc secs per pixel which will give you excellent resolution when the seeing allows. You will have no problems with flat fields or uneven illumination.

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I want the biggest chip that can be used with the Astronomik 1.25" LRGB filters.

The Artemis 4021 is the answer. However the Atik 16HR gives a lot of bangs per buck and will work extremely well with your scope. You will be imaging at 1.69 arc secs per pixel which will give you excellent resolution when the seeing allows. You will have no problems with flat fields or uneven illumination.

I would like the 4021. Its just is it worth the extra £700?

PS - Bern did say to me the Atik would work well with my scope.


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  • 2 weeks later...

likely to be a bit more on the market by the end of the year utilising the 285 chip. if you stll just in the thinking phase, that could work to your advantage.

word on the vine is the dsi III will be priced at about 1300 USD, albeit still uncooled...but cheap as chips, providing you can source from states of course. Be others out soon too im quite sure.

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