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uhc filter and magnification ?


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it's more about exit pupil than magnification really. I find they work best with my wider field eyepieces but they certainly work with higher powers, just that the benefit seems to lessen as the view really dims.

right thanks, i was wondering about dimming, as objects already dim as mag increases,so with the filter attached would make it hard going at times, that was really what i was getting at.

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In the end, I went for the Baader UHC-S which was only a few Euros more expensive than Skywatcher's. I think the main difference between the two is that the former may allow more contrast buut due to its narrower bandpass, may let in less light. It may also be of interest to check out the Castell UHC which has had some some favourable recommendations here at SGL.

On a personal note, I've found that with an aperture of 4", although the UHC-S works nicely on about 40x to 50x (I think it would perform even better at around 30x), it can take higher magnification well. However, although the UHC is relatively mild, the 4" does show it's weakness in grasping light and I have found on occassions that the views on the given nebulae can be more trying with the filter than with out. Often, the old trick of direct and averted vision has been more helpful than the improvements the filter gave. With that said, some of the best view I've had of M 8, M 27 and M 57 has been with the filter and curiously, it also works well with Solar observations, reducing glare and so kinder to the eye.

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Oddly, I also like to use my UHC filter on M31 after I accidentally left it on one night. The core is obviously dimmer but I can see more of the dimmer outer parts, to my eyes, compared to unfiltered. I really wouldn’t have expected that.

Has anyone else tried this?

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Oddly, I also like to use my UHC filter on M31 after I accidentally left it on one night. The core is obviously dimmer but I can see more of the dimmer outer parts, to my eyes, compared to unfiltered. I really wouldn’t have expected that.

Has anyone else tried this?

I always take out my filter before looking at M31 - I never tried leaving it in (always assumed it wouldn't be of benefit) - I think I'll give it a try next time we get a clear sky (If we ever get one) :smiley:

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I always take out my filter before looking at M31 - I never tried leaving it in (always assumed it wouldn't be of benefit) - I think I'll give it a try next time we get a clear sky (If we ever get one) :smiley:


thanks for input guys. the skywaycher and castell versions seem good value.

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I have the castell 2" UHC and Oiii and they are excellent vfm.

Am i right in thinking that the Castell OIII filter is a little bit wider in band width through put than most and hence ok for those of us without lots of aperture?

I'm keen to get an OIII filter but don't want to end up blind when I look through it :cool:

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I just bought one the other day. I had ordered the SW version but was sent one by a firm called Ostara, I think the bloke who sold it to me thinks doesn't think I would suss it,. Anyone know anything about these before I have a word with him.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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