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HELP - Lines on Regitax Image

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I am new to Registax / webcam imaging.

On a few of my stacks that I produce for a quick preview I get lines across the image, as if joining alignment points perhaps. I decided that today "enough was enough" and I would try to find out what causes them.

Just what does cause these and how can I avoid them.

I attach one of the worst of these which I have "enhanced / dis-enhanced" to show the effect.

Viewing was fair, I was using a modified xBox Webacn without IR filter on a SkyMax 127 Mak. Captured using SharpCap.

Focus was not bad as I had an image of Io fairly crisp on the screen.

Are these artitacts due to Rubbish images as they are less marked on very crisp images but still occasionaly crop up.




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R6 sometimes does this so many people go back to R5. It tends to happen if the quality of the avi is not so good. Get a copy of R5, process the same avi and I think your problem will go away. Better still, try AS!2 for stacking and then wavelets in R6.

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I had similar lines once or twice but I don't know how I got around the issue. I just remember they appeared after overproducing with post stacking settings. They just disappeared after chosing different image to allign from or selecting different spots for alignment.

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AS!2 is AutoStakkert

I've generally found that Registax v6 is better than v5 as long as my image quality is good. It's possible that v5 handles things better where the image quality isn't so great, perhaps. I'd also try processing your capture with PIPP first. Doing that may give v6 enough help to allow it to do a better job.


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I had similar lines once or twice but I don't know how I got around the issue. I just remember they appeared after overproducing with post stacking settings. They just disappeared after chosing different image to allign from or selecting different spots for alignment.

I think it may happen when Registax has problems aligning the images. Choosing a different image might alter the alignment process enough to make the problem go away. Using PIPP might well achieve the same.


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