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Try my data: LRGB Ha, M8 Lagoon Nebula.


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Would anyone like to try some LRGB processing?

Please post your results in this thread.

I finally did some darks, flats & bias frames for my first

LRGB picture & the results were so much better.


8" f6 Newt with QHY9 camera.

3 x 3 minutes of each of LRGB

plus 10 minutes of Ha 7nm.

Total 46 minutes of data.

A small version is attached to this post.

Here is a large version 1.2 MBytes:


It's my 4th attempt - you can see the others on my flickr photos

before I added the Darks, Flats & Bias frames all at -35°C.

I still wish I could get a little more colour in those bright stars.

For anyone who wants to have a try the data is here:

(each file is 17.6 MBytes & look for the bottom of the page to download them )

Stack of Red:


Stack of Green:


Stack of Blue:


Stack of Luminance:


Stack of Hydrogen Alpha, Baader 7nm:


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I am surprised that no one here tried my data.


I did a lot more processing on it using Photoshop & Fitswork 4.

I removed the huge dust doughnut, improved the star colours,

improved the gradients, boosted areas with masks,

did a little bit of sharpening & contrast using vector masks.

I cut & paste the stars from one of the first versions back in

to work on them for colour as they were washed out.

I deleted all the previous versions on flickr.

I ended up with 18 iterations to get this:


I think that is a lot better?



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Here is my attempt, using Pisinsight and Photoshop. There is some really nice data here, well done, I might have a go at imaging this myself.

Have you watched Harry Pages tutorials on PixInsight, they are are nearly mandatory viewing for anybody using pisinsight.

Just one question, did you use the Automatic DBE tool or the manual, I have found (in my limited experience) that the automatic DBE, on nebula in particular can really over do it.


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Hi Johnny,

That's a nice job you did on M8 especially with star colour.

I am aware of the techniques in that video & I applied them to

a certain extent but it was hard not to make it look fake so I had to knock the opacity back.

My latest version is here which is cropped & rotated:


I wish I had made the star colours like yours.

So far there have been 32 full downloads of the complete 5 files on sendspace.



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Nice job on the processing.

A lot of the processing is trial and error and I have found that I am always going back to images to reprocess them, especially after you've learnt something new (I had to delete a lot of my early data just to stop myself from going back).

Anyway nice job, I really like this image.

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Im pretty sure not many have attempted to download it because youve chosen a bit of a dodgy place to host the files (no offence). Its a minefield of popups, installers and unwanted software/toolbars. I gave up after I attempted to download the green channel, which ended up with me having to kill explorer in the processes list because it wouldnt let me close the web page without clicking an "ok" box - which is something i never do (as "ok" is often anything but on popup sites).

If you could host it in a safer place im sure more people would attempt it (including me).

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