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Zoom eyepiece


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Looking for a zoom eyepiece to use in my dobsonian, to make things a bit easier concerning:

1. balance

2. finding objects after changing an eyepiece

3. speed

Now, in my scope, 8 - 24 probably isn't what I am looking for. 8mm doesn't give a high enough power for what I want, and I won't be zooming past about 20mm anyway. So, I was thinking the Pentax XF Zoom 6.5 - 19.5 at c. £200. Has anyone had any experience of this? Is it worth the money? OR should I just stick to a c. £60 zoom eyepiece?


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I have used this eyepiece but do not own one, I found it was what you would expect from Pentax, I wouldn't go as far as to say it was as good as fixed F/L eyepieces but at the same time I found myself wanting one. I didn't have problems using it as I don't where glasses and would say it was worth the cost, for it's a, buy it.


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