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One of the reasons why I purchased a copy of the new Cambridge Photographic Star Atlas so I could see and study what the night sky really looked like, digitally photographed from a dark site, to use when bad conditions prevailed, it is not all that old, but by its condition you would think it was an old library book :)


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It ca'nt stay cloudy forever can it? Can it....... Na it can't. Keep thinking positive fellow A.A's. LOL

Its now August 26th 2012. My birthday was March 26th 2012 (i think you know where i am going with this).

Honestly...............every single night i have bothered to look outside (4-5 nights a week) between these dates, has been cloudy.

I dont do any observing during the "summer" due to it being bright til about 11pm, but that doesnt stop me checking out the skies after 11pm. This "summer" i couldnt see the clouds for the rain. If i looked up for too long my eyeballs started to drown.

Hopefully we will get some nice nights (and days) during Sept/Oct which is usually (but not always) our best time of year. The kids (not mine as i dont have any) go back to school in a week so the weather should pick up and the nights should be clear and the temps should still allow us to observe in t-shirts and shorts (or whatever you fancy wearing).

I'm starting to come out of my annual hibernation cycle now and looking forward to getting back out there. I'm off to a star party on the 15th Sept. That will really kickstart my season.

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