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How to find pictures taken from telescopes? (not OF the telescopes)

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My problem using google is that of I want to see photos that people have taken with telescopes I always get pics of various types of them. Once I got a bunch of car pics. Go figure. Anyway, that's my question. How to come up with non Hubble telescope images off the web?

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I think the astrobin website lists the equipment used for each pic etc.

Maybe try googling for things like "taken with 80ed" etc?

Maybe you're already seeing them and you dont know it, many people can get very impressive "hubble style results" from lots of data and some amazing post processing...

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Remember that the images you'll see will also depend on some or all of the following: the camera being used, filters, the presence of field flatteners or coma correctors, the post-processing, and the competence of the photographer. You can get really beautiful wide-field shots with a 3" refractor. Doesn't have to be a big scope. The focal ratio of the telescope will be important in dictating the exposure duration. The quality of the optics will limit the contrast and the tightness of the star images.

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Have a look at the imaging section here and any other astro forum - also - one of my favourites is Peter Shah's website - that guys an expert. Also for planetary stuff try Damien Peach's website - another genius imager :)

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