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Last night It was clear for once, so I abandoned Bourne Ultimatum and went out for some observing.

First I looked at the Ring Nebula, because I know here that is. With my scope, I have to use averted vision to see the ring but I still love the sight of it.

I then tried to find the Dumbbell Nebula for the first time and when I was searching for it I saw Albireo. The Blue and the Gold together made a stunning sight.

Then I found the Dumbbell Nebula and at first I wasn't sure If I had it. Averted vision roughly sowed a Bow tie shape so I knew I had it. I was pleased with that.

But the sky was still clear and It was the darkest I had seen it in ages and as I could see Hercules I tried to find M13 and I was successful! I couldn't Make out any individual stars but the're was definitely a bright core of light surrounded by a fainter light - like a broken sun.

I then went for the Andromeda Galaxy and I knew instantly when I found it. A fuzzy cigar with a bright-ish core. I showed my parents and one of my brothers (the other was in bed) and they said they couldn't see much. They could tell me where in the FOV the galaxy was but couldn't see the brighter core.

So I found Albireo, M27,M13 and M31, all for the first time! I am very pleased :D

Note to self: Finish Bourne.

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All great targets - I find myself going back to the Ring Nebula and Andromeda a lot because I find that as conditions (atmospherics/darkness) change from night to night the view through the EP can be dramatically different. I really love those WOW moments in the EP.

Happy hunting.

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If you've been out for a while your eyes will be better dark-adapted. It takes as much as half an hour for your eyes to fully dark-adapt, so they may well not have been able to see as much as you. Your youth also works in your favour too. Sadly those of us towards the other end of the youth vs. experience scale have to accept that our eyes just aren't as good as they used to be.


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