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Great find on a few days away.

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Just been on a few days break to Scotland , during our break we called into Aberdeen,lovely toon, anyway happened to call (fall) into a back street bookshop. As we all do looked straight at the science/science fiction section. I found a cracking book called THE UNIVERSE in a 100 key discoveries.Lovely book very informative was only 6.99 . A real bargain and kept my attention after the beer goggles worn off.LOL. Do u look for things related to astronomy on your hols or is it just me. :grin:

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Haven't been on holiday for a while but I've always got an eye out for Astro related stuff. Charity shops, second hand shops and book clearance shops.

Found a BIG hardback called Space in a clearance shop in Southport. Full of great photo's. Cost £4.99, sleeve price £30 :)

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Almost every time I venture into any kind of book store, even used book stores, I always check out the astronomy sections if they have one. Sometimes there are books a few years old but the info is still up to date and they are usually a lot cheaper than when they first come out.

Many years ago when I was in my teens, I found a huge book that was published in the U.K. and it covered the whole field of astrophysics. I believe it was titled "The Cambridge Encylopedia of Astronomy" (or something like that). Its list price was around $50 US (equivilent to around $140 today) but because it had a page defect from the printers, I got it for about $25 - a steal indeed!

That one book taught me so much about astrophysics, it was like attending a college course for several years. I used it so much that I had to strip it of its bindings and page by page put it in a huge 3 ring binder notebook. Suprisingly, there were only a few astronomy related books in this small store and this book turned out to be a gold mine for me for many years to come.

So it always is a wise move to check out any astronomy books in any book store because you never know when that "gold mine" book presents itself :grin:

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