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Ophiuchus; The Snake bearer.


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To the southern aspect of the sky and tucked under Hercules you'll find the bright star Rosalhague and to one lower side 2 stars (Yed Prior and Yed Posterior) defining the edge of Ophiuchus. It sits between the two halves of Serpens and full of interest .If you have a superb horizon then you'll spot the tea pot of Sagittarius nearby.

I've put these bits together over the last two yearspost-6974-0-13731000-1344407216_thumb.jppost-6974-0-45494300-1344407330_thumb.jppost-6974-0-22910300-1344407359_thumb.jp ;

Now that the Moon is getting out of the way, get into this late summer area.

I'm off to North Skye for 2 weeks, will report from some of our very darkest skies,


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Yo, these mate;


get 'em printed out and in an A4 plastic sleeved document holder thingy. Keeps the dew off them. I've got 15 of these , lovely to fill up.

2 years ago, I couldn't have pointed out the North Star, just shows how fascinating and gripping this is.

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