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Problem with write to disc speed? - Sorted!


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My new toy, a QHYIMG132E, caused me a few problems this morning - Normally it is quite happy taking an .avi of the Sun at about 40fps with a write to disc speed of around the same value ie 30-40 fps. Today, however, something was amis - the recording speed was normal but the write to disc speed would not go above 4 fps.

Any ideas?

Same laptop, cable, nothing else running on the lappy (wireless internet connection turnrd off) etc.

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That normally means its doing something else at the same time, here are a few things to watchout for.....

Virus/spyware scheduled scanning

Disk defragmentation

index search updating ( I turn mine off, I don't mind waiting a few seconds more for a search)


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Tend to agree with Danielle clean the laptop throw away everything you do not want on it, run a virus/malware checker.

One of the quickest PC's I had only had a 6Gb hard drive, but as I could literally see anything new on it it never had any unwanted files installed without me knowing of them.

A 160Gb hard drive sounds good but you can end up with so many unwanted files that slow it down that they are a bit of a liability.

Go looking for temp folders and see what is in them.

Do you clean out the browser when finished, selecting delete all at the browser does not actually delete all.

Last place I worked I had a "slow" PC, until I was fed up and went lookig at what was there.

Deleted over 6Gb of utter junk that was just cluttering the drive up, left defrag running overnight and then found I had a quick PC

I found a free clean disk package called Clean Disk Security, seems to do what is says and gets rid of the assorted junk in the assorted places. Takes an hour and a half to run through. Main thing is that the PC still works afterwards.

Used to have a registry cleaner but that is on the PC that will not run now, that was useful also. Bit scary the first time as the registry is full of junk.

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I've run both CCleaner and a full disc defragmentation quite recently and the lappy only rarely used for internet access so it should be OK. Kaspersky is running all the time and has never "caused" problems as far as I'm aware. So its time for a rethink.

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I would not discount the possibility that the disk is on the point of dying, and make sure you have it backed up just in case. I have no idea how helpful windows is when it comes to letting you know that there are problems with the disk or if it's having to do a lot of sector re-mapping. If the disk supports SMART and there's some way to get at that information it might be sensible to check it.


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S O R T E D ! ! !

It took a long time but I've sorted it - The problem was easy once I realised that getting an image from a camera was, essentially, downloading. Therefore the virus checker would check them?? So I turned off Kasperski - - WHAM!! 45- 50 fps download and 45+ fps write to disc!

Now, Kasperski always runs on the lappy and has not interferred before so I had a look and soon realised that, as I often run the lappy with the wireless internet "off", Kasperski had not been able to do its background database updates. Therefore it was deliberately "blocking" anything that was a "download" - just to be safe!

Phew!! I was beginning to think my expensive new camera was a "bad 'un!

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