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NGC281 Pacman, work in progress


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Managed to spend some time on this object before the clouds came back.

3x 2min RGB (star color)

3x 20min 3nm Ha

3x 20min 3nm OIII

2x 20min 3nm SII

Now I'm waiting for the clouds to leave again...


Thank you for watching!

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Very nice - I like that a lot - Great detail and beautifully processed.

Actually, I keep coming back to this - How you get that level of detail with such a small amount of data, for me is astounding, no make that phenomenal.

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Actually, I keep coming back to this - How you get that level of detail with such a small amount of data, for me is astounding, no make that phenomenal.

I think it is a combination of good filters (3nm delivers great contrast), reletively fast optics (f/5.3) and PixInsight magic :)

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Create a standard HST image (SII/Red - Ha/Green - OIII/Blue) with PixelMath.

And then it's basically the same, just HistogramTransformation (levels) and CurvesTransformation (curves). Keep the preview window open and start adjusting the image, small steps.

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You need three linear images; Ha, OIII and SII

Open PixelMath

Deselect "Use a single RGB/K expression"

Select "Create new image"

Select "RGB Color"

Assign SII to "R/K"

Assign Ha to "G"

Assign OIII to "B"


Done, you'll get a new image in Hubble palette...

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