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Meade LightBridge Mods (or pimp my 'scope)

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Having just received my long awaited LightBridge 10", I have used the cloudy nights to get to grips with laser collimation. Think Ive got the hang of it now thanks to the rather fine Hotech collimator. Ive also been spending the time day (or night) dreaming about how to modify the LB scope. The most obvious thigs are:

Levelling feet on the base

Setting circle on base as well as a digital inclinometer. Ive got a mad idea to use a digital compass too, but this needs some more thinking about.

Im sure other mods will sring to mind as and when I get to use the scope. In the meantime, if there is anybody with any experience of modifying a Dobsonian, I would love to hear from you.


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These were my latest LB mods, among the few I've already made to the scope.


Right now I'm in the process of installing removable wheelbarrow handles to the base so I can easily wheel the entire dob to my observing area and be able to remove the handles with attached wheels in under a minute after setting the dob down. I will post photos when done.

I currently use shims to level the base but I will come up with something in the near future.

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I wanted to make my dob more transport friendly.

Here is the result:



So it is a trolly.

The handles can be removed so that only the base is still attached.

So roll it out to the field, remove the handles and start observing. :)

I can also level the mount by screwing on 2 "wheels".

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I found a light shroud essential for my Lightbridge 12" and also added a light shield at the top of the tube to prevent stray light getting to the secondary area. When I started to use heavy 2" eyepieces I also added a counter weighting system as the tube is natually top heavy. The wobbly supplied RDF was replaced with a Rigel Quikfinder and an 8x50 RACI optical finder. My scope already had Bobs Knobs top and bottom and the uprated primary collimation springs although I don't know if the latter is needed on the 10".

Selling the supplied Meade QX 26mm eyepiece was also a good move - it's very poor !

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I got a 10" Astro engineering shroud from Astroboot for about a tenner. It really provides rigidity to the struts. I also got a plastic hook from the £ shop and taped it on to move the ota around when observing.

Got rid of the silly excuse for a brake and zip tied a bag of fishing weights to the bottom back side of the base tube. Not elegant, but it does work.

Made a base from an old mdf cabinet, so that I can move the ota onto the base, then struggle out with the LB base and transfer over.There's a pic on my albums, fraid I have the Homer Simpson approach to diy.

Slung the thin inadequate primary mirror springs and replaced them with Bob's Knobs springs.You'll find these easily hold collimation.

Swapped the finderscope for a Telrad. Welcome to the world of Telrad chart downloads.

Slung the silly plastic mirror cover and cut out a circle of foam (rigid) which covers the mirror.

Got a reptile heating pad cheap off fleabay, in times of temperature change in the shed, this trickle charge keeps humidity at bay. It just fits flat inside the mirror base.

Bought 3 large shower caps and a large plastic box to transport. The 2ndy mirror goes in the box on it's side , with caps on and the primary mirror bit sits on the mount. These go in the car first.

Got an Orion dew shield to fit on the end.When all assembled looks like you could fire missiles.

Removed the 2ndry spider, replaced it the right way round and bent the vanes back until they were straight and not bent on

Friday afternoon to get collimation. Meade;Smeade.


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