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Dark Sites around Perthshire and Edinburgh?


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I'm looking for a few more dark sites to use that are within about an hour of both Glasgow and Edinburgh. Particularly around Perth and west or south of Edinburgh.

I don't know either of these areas so if anyone knows of a decent spot please let me know.



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G1ZmO, I was using a dark site on the A70, between Edinburgh and Lanark. It's a carpark at the west end of Harperigg Reservoir used by fishermen during the day. It has a great dark sky between, roughly, SE and WSW, sky glow from Edinburgh to the east and Glasgow to the west.

I haven't been there for a while as I thought that my SLT, Lappy and camera would be to much of a temptation to the 'young team' round here.

Would like to get the SLT up there though, I have only ever went there with my 114 shorty.

Give me a shout if you wanna meet there.................

Clear skies,


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Thanks for that Gary,

Speaking of the "young team", is the carpark used by them for bevy sessions or do they just drive past with woofers thumping? Is it noticable from the road?

This was one of the reasons for starting our group i.e. security in numbers :D

Feel free to let me know if you want to join us too btw - info at scottishastronomers dot com



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Hi Paul,

The young team use th0 A79 as their personal race track.......... :D Running from Kirknewton to Harburn.

The access road to the car park is also the access road to a couple of houses and a farm. The road itself is not private though. You have to know the area to know there is a car park there, so it is 'probably' safe. But with nearly £800 of gear you never know.

I'd be interested in joining your group, for safety reasons and possably get the benefits of others who have more experience than myself.

Clear skies,


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I need to go for a wee drive one day but I am sure there will be a couple of good spots on the way to peebles, the other idea I had was round the windfarm that can be seen from my bedroom window. The missus me and the kids have been there a couple of times, just sat in the car with chips for tea (Healthy eh?). Anyways there is a small gate that can be climbed over and a path that leads through the wind farm. I am sure you must get a fantastic southerly view. There is a sign on the gate saying you are allowed to enter and walk round etc.

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If you find somewhere worthy of the effort I'll probably join you as well. I'm based in Bathgate and I've been taking a 2-minute drive to the top of the Bathgate hills for my viewing sessions. Unfortunately it also gives me a lovely view of the flares at Grangemouth to the north and both Glasgow and Edinburghs skyglow to the east and west. I used to work for BT covering the Lanark area and there are lots of dark places, but I need somewhere where I can park the car and set up right next to it. I dont want to take 3 trips to get my gear up some hill, it weighs a ton and costs too much.

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When I used to live in Linlithgow I used to use Beecraigs Country Park. That was 25 years ago however and I suspect that the LP is now far too grim (and its probably too busy now at night...). I once used a car park/layby about 20 miles south of Edinburgh heading towards the Borders but after a bloke stopped and offered me his 'wife' I decided to not stop there again. To get really dark skies I need to head out beyond my parents house in Crieff - pretty much anywhere north of that gets dark but its a long trek from the Edinburgh/Glasgow areas...


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Thanks Kenny & Maccers,

Crieff may be an option for an occasional session. It's a bit easier to get to from Aberdeenshire and more or less equal distance from Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Kenny - We have another member from Bathgate so I'll ask him where he goes.

Kenny, Gary: If you want to drop me an email to info at scottishastronomers dot com I'll keep in touch re future sessions.

Thanks again for everyones input :D


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Hi Maccers, I actually use a tiny car-park just this side of Beecraigs Country Park. The park itself has too many trees in it's popular visitors areas and the car-parks close at dusk. There's no escaping the glow from the flares at Grangemouth it they're going well, you can see them from Edinburgh. I cant blame anyone for it, I work at the refinery myself.

Paul, I'll check out your site and mail you direct from there.

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