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June 1, 2012: Solar session in H-alpha

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Yesterday I had time to play with the new toy (Lunt LS35THa) in the garden. I set it up on the GP EQ mount, inserted the Pentax XF 8.5 mm EP, and away I went. At first the sun seemed to be more quiet than the previous two sessions, when prominences showed up instantly. This time, none showed. I then started experimenting more with the tuning wheel. Initially nothing much happened, but as I reached the other end of the range my jaw dropped, as a whole bunch of prominences snapped into view on the right-hand limb as seen through the scope. More careful observation showed two prominences, curved like smoke from two smokestacks in the wind, running almost parallel. They emanated from an active region to the lower right of the sun, and where they ran across the solar surface they showed up as a darker line, whereas the rest was brilliantly contrasted against the black sky background. Another, more complicated set of prominences was visible north of the equator, right on the limb. A jumbled mass of arc-like structures was visible. A few smaller ones were visible on the left-hand side as well.

A lot of detail showed up across the surface of the sun as well. Several dark and light filaments where seen snaking between sunspots in several groups (should look up the proper designations, haven't yet).

I wondered if I had simply missed something at the initial tuning wheel setting, so I wound back and forth a few times. Each time, the prominences appeared quite suddenly stood out, when they had been invisible before. I also experimented with the 2x TeleXtender and Radian 10mm, but that did not improve matters. By itself, the Radian 10 is great for this, but the 8.5mm provides more magnification and still shows the whole disc readily.

I had hoped to try some imaging, but clouds showed up and spoiled the fun. Had some last quick views through the gaps in the clouds, but called it a day after that. I was very pleased with this little session, and also to get some observing hours under my belt, especially since night-time observing has not been great recently.

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