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Coma Corrector needed or not?

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Hi all,

I have ordered a skywatcher 250pds as I want to delve deeper into astrophotography so wanted bigger apertur so I can catch more light, But is a coma corrector a nesesary piece of kit or can I do without it, If it does only correct the edge of field stars I can simply cut the edges off with photoshop when processing. or is it a case of suck it and see. If I need one which one is preferred the Baader MPCC the baader Kit or the skywatcher ?


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I have the skywatcher one which I use on my 200 PDS, and using a DSLR it makes a world of difference. Some targets such as m42, m31 etc fill the FOV so I can't really get away without one when going for these targets. It may be a different call for CCDs, but I wouldn't know (big ccd is a little out of budget!). I know lots of people use the Baader flavour, and it gets very good reviews too. You may be able to use software to correct coma (I know PS4 has some tools for this), but I've never tried it either so can't really comment. If you really get into photography though I would definitely recommend one, whichever that turns out to be.

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A coma corrector makes a huge difference to your image fidelity. Whilst It is true that you can crop some of the worst star shapes from the edges of the field of view, many deep sky objects are pretty large so you will also be cropping valuable data. Star shapes start to degrade as soon as you move out from the centre of the field of view, getting more pronounced the further you move towards the edges so it is worth using a coma corrector even when using a small sensor.

I use the MPCC but have heard good reports of the Sky-Watcher one too.

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Kev: don't forget the camera adaptor if u need one. i'm still waiting for mine, so flo might be low on stock.


I may go for the Baader kit, is the camera adapter just a t mount thread as I already have tmount adapters for my pentax DSLR.


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I may go for the Baader kit, is the camera adapter just a t mount thread as I already have tmount adapters for my pentax DSLR.


not sure of the exact size, but i'm pretty sure its larger than the standard camera adaptor.

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Thanks guys,

FLO will be getting another order.


I ordered 1 in February its still on back order, i e-mailed FLO this morning and there still not sure of a date when they will receive there order...so its just a case of wait and see...

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