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Herschel Wedge

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Hello SGL,

After my troubles with focuing my DSLR camera at the Transit of Venus event, I am thinking of using a Herschel Wedge attached to a telescope to get better focus for my camera. Is there a good Wedge out there and would it be better to use a 2 inch instead of a 1 1/4 version? Any comments/advice on this subject would be gratefully received by me.


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The top three Herschel wedges:

Baader cool version



The 2" size seems to be the favourite.

Check that there are sufficient filters included in the package ie ND5/ND3.8/ND1.8 and probably a Continuum filter....

Not sure using a HW will improve your focusing but they do tend to give excellent views/ images with standard refractors. Not suitable for reflectors, SCT/MAK or compound refractors.

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Thank you the advice Merlin66 and ollypenrice, I have heard the Baader version is good and it will be used on refractors only. Now all i have to do is find one out there.


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I have also had the good fortune to use the Baader HW and was very impressed. I may be mistaken but I believe The Widescreen Centre has some in stock as it was recently mentioned on the Baker Street Irregular Astronomers Facebook page by Simon who runs the WIdescreen Centre.

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The best price for the Baader (photo version) is from Telescope Express in Germany at about £412.00 delivered. The Widescreen Centre is £499.00.


One other wedge I would add to Ken's list is the A&E SolarVue 2. I've owned the SolarVue as well as the Intes and the SolarVue is better than the Intes although not as good as the Lunt.


I've used all four and the Baader would definately be my first choice and it's a complete package with any filters you would need. The Lunt is excellent though, and cheaper, so it's a possible alternative.


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