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robbie c

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Well as predicted after the rain and cloud all day it did go clear at 22:00 and I went out about 11 for an hour and had a good look at Saturn.

My first light in over a year as I am just getting back into it, picked the wrong time of year though, but was good none the less.

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it cleared in my area just before the ISS went over so had a look at that naked eye only. always good to see. then Saturn was in a decent position with twilight still quite bright. usual detail visible including the Cassini division, planetary banding and possibly some higher levels of contrast/brightness in the outer areas of the rings. at least two moons but didn't really look given the conditions. fiddled with my equatorial platform a bit to get the tracking spot on and just for fun increased the power from 160x where the image was stable to 250x-500x where the image was mush. the view at 250x was OK and throughtout these ranges the image stayed within the field for good periods of time.

I then had a look at a few doubles which all indicated that seeing was reasonable :

Double Double in Lyra - easy splt of both pairs from 150x +

Delta Cygni - more difficult split with the tiny secondary star visible in the better moments. needed about 200x

Epsilon Bootis - lovely yellow and greenish blue double and easy split at 150x.

Alcor/Mizar - always stunning no matter what.

Polaris - tiny blue secondary well spaced from the yellow primary.

then the clouds rolled in but at least I'd had my fix.

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Sat 24 looks promising for tonight, maybe a shower or 2 before 9pm but then it could be clear. Redone my levelling base, charging up the Android tab, gonna have a look at stellarium and plan on spotting a few things tonight, hopefully after England drop young and wellbeck and beat Ukraine.

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