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40mm SWAN from W O opinions

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I agree that the Aero ED's are not perfect at the edges - but they are better in that respect than the Panaviews. For perfect edges Tele Vue are the masters. My EP set comprises 3x Naglers 3x Ethos and a Pentax XW which are all 100% sharp to the edge even at F/4.8. I also have a Nirvana which is 95% there on edge sharpness.


I had the 2 inch Aero or a least the same thing, I got it when I was in America. I didn't like the edges, I have to say it was most noticable in the Meade 12 inch with the higher magnification. But of course when you have other 40mm eyepieces as I have you start to make comparisons. I think sometimes I am my own worse enemy.

I am sure that because I have 6 Tele-vues and 10 S 5000 Meades and a Pentax, I expect the other to be the same, clearly they are not.

Thanks again John,


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You too have some very nice eyepieces, I have never even seen an Ethos. I am one of the lucky few in Bulgaria that even own a Naglar, I'm sure no one has an Ethos. For that money Bulgarians want a telescope and mount, and can just about get one. What are the Ethos like, worth the cost?


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What are the Ethos like, worth the cost? Alan.

Hi Alan. I don't own an Ethos, but have looked through a 13mm Ethos in a clubmates 20" Dob, and a 13mm and 8mm Ethos in an 8" Dob I once owned. Both occasions were under good skies.

The first time I looked, I found it a bit unnerving ! that massive 100 degree field took me by surprise, even though I knew that was the specification every one was talking about.

Some folk have trouble seeing out to the field stop, but I found that not to be a problem - by seeing it, I mean I'm aware of it in my outer vision, even though I'm not looking at it. (I don't wear glasses to observe ) Some that do use glasses to observe find the 15mm eyerelief not to be enough.

But the Ethos is more than about the massive field. The quality of what you see is amazing, sharp contrasty views right across.

As to whether they are worth the cost, that's a tough one. If you can stump up the money, and are are a keen visual observer, then I do think they are worth it. But the new Delos will become a favourite I think. Same great views, and swaps some of the massive field of view for more eyerelief.

Best regards, Ed.

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