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My second moon shot


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The first is in Ewan's 600d post, but I'm not going to link to it as his put mine to shame :(

So, onto my second...

I don't know what I'm doing wrong with registax, but I did two different shots of 90ish images and the resulting image looks no better than the orginal :(

Still, I was quite pleased with the originals:



I'll post the full size images tomorrow

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very nice indeed. How have you stacked them? (I cant get my head round stacking anything other than star trails at the moment)

Thank you very much. I wish I could help but I'm as lost as you :(

Both my images are single shots. I have 90+ copies of each of the two pics above and I tried stacking them last night. Each of the steps appeared to work ok, but the resulting image was no different from the original. I'll give it another go tonight and maybe nip out to try and get a bunch of Saturn images and maybe a go at some wide field.

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I’m not sure if I’ve read this right but Papaplanet you say you are stacking 90 photos of the same photo in Registax. I’m afraid you’ll see no difference. You need to take 90 different photos align them and stack them. The software will then average the noise, then the wavelet can sharpen/soften the image.

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Lee - No, I'm using separate images taken a few seconds apart. I was just having an issue with not doing all the steps, you should be able to see a pretty big difference between the original full size shots and the stacked ones. I've got photoshop as I couldn't get on with gimp, but I haven't tried doing any post processing other than some sharpening in the wavelet page of registax which resulted in the stacked images above.

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sorry, just the way I must have read the message. Well done on the photo, really is good.

No problem, it's probably more the way I wrote it, I only seem to be posting on here as I'm rushing to bed, too late for work the next day, so my posts being a little unclear does not surprise me at all. :(

Thanks for the complements :(

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Those are some excellent photos. I'm very impressed. I'm also delighted to see that a Canon does the job soo nicely. As I have a Canon 550D, and that being a fairly popular model people put it to good use!

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very nice...keep it up.

Those are some excellent photos. I'm very impressed. I'm also delighted to see that a Canon does the job soo nicely. As I have a Canon 550D, and that being a fairly popular model people put it to good use!

Thanks very much. :)

The terrible, terrible weather has been good in some ways I think :confused: as I've been able to play with Registax using the same set of shots and just try and improve from the same source material. I've got v5 installed as well as 6, but I'm not having much luck with it at the moment. Anyway, the previous shots have been stacks created form the jpgs. I'm trying with tifs now (couldn't get RAW to work in v5) at 4000x2250.

ADMIN: Mutliquote..... way cool :)

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