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PI BatchPreprocessing - possible without calibration data?


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I tried my OSC CCD for the first time last night and so far am finding it to be a real pain compared to mono! Anyway that's another thread I guess.

So, I have 21 images that I want to just quickly stack as there is so little showing. I've got no darks, bias or flats at the minute, I just want a quick look see.

So, I am following Harry's tutorial for the BatchPreprocess, but it will not let me stack without any calibration images. Is there a way I can overide this so that I can just see what's there?

No luck in DSS, just got a blank screen!! This OSC lark is damn tricky.

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Hi Sara,

Just use image integration process. So Process > ImageIntegration. Throw it your lights, choose some settings and away you go. You will need to debayer the lights and then use StarAlignment first before stacking.

Using one master dark with all your lights would be enough to get the batch running I think.

Have a read of this too if you haven't already http://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=2570.0

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In PI there is a script named batch debayer. There is also a process named debayer which will debayer a single image.

I think the best way to see which bayer matrix settings to use is to open a light, then open Process debayer and then try each one. You will know when you've chosen the correct one as there will no longer be a grid on your image (which you may have to zoom in to see - try this before anything to see what kind of pattern I mean). I don't know what the bayer matrix is for that Atik, and Google just brings back loads of results but nothing I can see easily.

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Cheers Ian - I've just debayered an individual sub and using 'superpixel' the grid is gone, but changing the matrix pattern just gives me a different shade of yuk. I either get blue, green / yellow, or magenta. How do Iknow which is right? None of them have a grid on them - I used an IDAS filter

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Ah OK. For me it was this grid that was the giveaway.

I use VNG. For the bayer matrix I think you should try GBRG. I found this on a Yahoo group for DSS at http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/DeepSkyStacker/message/5593 not sure if it's correct or not.

I should mention that depending on what capture software you have used the pattern could alter as the image can be saved top to bottom or bottom to top, batch processing script has a tick box to cater for this (Up-bottom FITS).

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