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Just about to start imaging (and spending) and need to decide on a camera with preview, like Canon 'Live View', to help with focusing. Not sure if I should go for a modified DSLR like this: http://www.astronomiser.co.uk/moddeddslrs.htm#1100d or a dedicated CCD like this: http://www.opticstar.com/Run/Astronomy/Astro-Imagers-Opticstar.asp?p=0_10_0_50_255 . Trying not to spend more than £600 and prefer colour to avoid the cost of filters and wheels etc.

Don't want to end up on the wrong track, any thoughts or other candidate cameras I should consider?

Thanks, Tony.

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I see you have a 300D Tony, why not cut your teeth on that first?

I wouldn't get too hung up on live view, most of the time I end up taking 3-5 second exposures anyway and it's not an option on a dedicated CCD. Which scope & mount are you wanting to image with?

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Hi Simon, I will be getting a NEQ6 (only got an old motorised EQ1) and probably a Quattro 200 F4. I did some basic lunar imaging with the 300D and 100ED but couldn't focus very well (via the dull viewfinder) on the fainter stuff (eyesight not what it use to be). I could certainly get some practice in with the 300 and may try modifying it. There doesn't seem to be much choice in cooled CCDs up to £600

I think the Opticstar 336C does 5 frames per second preview for focusing, this is the basic spec:

  • 1/1.8" Sony ICX412AQ Interline Colour CCD
  • Resolution: 3.3 Megapixels, 2048x1536
  • No Infra Red filter
  • Colour Binning: 1x1, 2x2, 4x4
  • Thermo-Electric Cooling with Fan Assist
  • Hardware Gain - up to 100% sensitivity boost
  • Hardware Black Level
  • Preview / Focusing @ 5 frames per second
  • ROI Video mode: 30fps @ 640x480
  • External Power Supply Unit for TEC
  • Rugged aluminium construction
  • Semi-Video mode for real time Deep Sky
  • StarView mode
  • Bundled Software:
    • Nebulosity v2
    • Opticstar View
    • Plugin for AstroArt
    • Plugin for MaxIm DL

    [*]Computer Requirements:

    • Microsoft Windows (32-bit & 64-bit) XP/Vista/7/8
    • USB 2.0 ports

That compares well with the Canon 1100D but with lower pixel count and and smaller pixels, which I believe may not be as good as the larger pixels of the Canon.


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I'm not at all familiar with that camera so can't comment on it's suitability.

If it was me I'd pop the ED100 on the EQ6 with the 300D on the back. It might be a little slow compared to the Quattro but will be virtually plug & play and no collimation hassles. You will get a nice FOV with the ED & a DSLR. It's a steep learning curve initially and it pays to make life easy for yourself. Another benefit is you'll have a much better understanding of the equipment you may want to purchase in the future. The mount is the most important part & you can't go far wrong with a HEQ5 or EQ6. I wouldn't bother modding a camera straight away it just isn't necessary when you're starting out and can bring a lot of woes to processing.

Ultimately you'll be wanting to start guiding & software control the whole rig so it's also wprth having a play with EQMOD and trialing software packages to see what suits you.

Oh and get a Bahtinov mask for your ED100, near perfect focussing will take seconds :)

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Thanks for the feedback Simon and Stephen, I had allocated £600 for the camera and about £1K for the mount. Already built a guide unit for the EQ1 and it works OK but too much play in the gears. I will get the mount and have a go with the bits I have (also have a reducer) so that will help.


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Hi Tony,

As you have the 300D and have trouble focusing etc... have a look at DSLFocus

a brilliant bit of software for setting up, focussing, previewing and capture of your

images. It's the only astro software capable of accomodating the 300D effectively.



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