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are you sitting comfortably?

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.. then I'll begin. Just in case it helps other newbies.

After a dozen sessions looking with new Dob kit & finding it difficult to pull any detail out of planets I took a height adjustable office chair out with me last night.

What a difference sitting as opposed to crouching makes!

Saturn - clearly see cassini at times as opposed to just a vague notion of a difference in the outer part of the ring + saw moons (4) which I had never seen before.

Of course, it may have been that the seeing was better but generally it didn't feel like it was.

Plus my back is a whole lot happier so I could stay out longer.

I know I should have done it earlier & don't know why I didn't but just thought I'd post in case it helps others.

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Being comfortable is pretty important for prolonged viewing sessions but I can relate to ObscuredbyClouds to as during one long viewing session I took a time out to siy back in my garden chair drink a beer from my favourite glass and just look up at the stars with my two eyes......I was awoken to the sound of my favourite beer glass smashing on the slabs of my patio :) much sadness ensued

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I use a sun lounger fully flat when I want to use the bins (when in my own back garden of course), saves a multitude of neck problems and I get a clearer view as I can rest the bins on me rather than just holding them.

Not fallen asleep yet but do occasionally have a cat or two 'helping out'.:)

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