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First deep space

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Last night was a good clear night at last in the south of england so i set out in the garden with the mission to find M5 .

I,ve been skywatching for a couple of months now and was getting a bit disappointed as after seeing the planets and moon, i,d run out of objects to look at!

The stars just seem to be a huge mass of pin pricks when mooched around the sky with my 200p. I,m getting to recognise constellations now but in-between these there just seems to be millions of stars.

I could see where it should be on my iPhone app but it said in my "turn left at orion" book thats its difficult to find so i set out to find it.

It took just over an hour , but i finally saw it, a grey blob! but i felt elated! its one of the oldest clusters i think and its millions of light years away, what a find!! I,v also found the beehive cluster, now i,m hooked again ready to find more deep space.

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