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Will i be able to see any DSO's with my skyliner 150p?


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Yes, you should be able to view M31, M45, M42, M27, M57 very well with your scope. Also M35, M36, M37, and M38. These are all bright targets easy to find with a star map or even the naked eye (such as M42 and M45).

You will see a lot more if you can use your scope in a dark location away from light pollution. For example, under dark skies my little 80mm scope (with 1/4 the light gathering power of your scope) can provide amazing views of selected DSOs.

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A six inch scope in presumably dark skies (N Wales) should be able to pick just about all the Messiers subject to horizon.

Good ones to start with at this time of year are M13, M3, M92 and M5 (all globular clusters). A few good galaxies to find are M81 / M82, M64, M51 and M65 / M66.

M83, M68 (Hydra), M6 (Scorpius) and a few other might be difficult due to very low elevation at their zenith.

Happy hunting!

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If your sky is dark enough and your observing site is not too far north then with a 6" scope you will be able to see all the Messier objects, plus many hundred NGC objects. If your sky is too bright then you won't be able to see anything at all. See how things go in your garden, and if you aren't seeing Messiers to your satisfaction then think about taking the scope to a darker site. I agree with previous suggestions about the easiest ones.

Most of the Messiers were discovered with apertures of 3" or less. Last night at my dark site I could easily see M5 through the 50mm finder. At a heavily light-polluted site you might struggle to see M5 with any size scope.

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A 6" scope is a very capable DSO-hunting instrument. You can see far more than just the Messier object (try M13 for starters, easy to find and stunning!). Many objects on the Caldwell list and the Herschel 400 list are well within range. It is best to start with bright ones first, and move to fainter ones as you gain experience.

If the skies clear soon, try the Virgo region. I got 6 galaxies in one field of view with my old 6" F/8 Newtonian.

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If so what are the easiest ones to find/see?

You most definatly will be able to see DSO's with your scope.

Lp is the biggest problem you'll have. Do you have stellarium?


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Took my scope up the mountain behind my house but didn't manage to find any, will have another go soon though.

If I had to choose one that is both easy to find and bright (relatively) it would have to be M13 in Hercules. Find the trapezium of stars in the centre of the constellation (called the Keystone, I think) and you need to pick the two more Westerly stars of the quartet.

As Hercules rises it is on its side, these two stars will appear as the more elevated but as it approaches its zenith they will be the two on the right hand side.

Draw a line between them. On that line, M13 will appear slightly closer to the upper star than the lower star.

Stellarium should explain better than words. Any other simple star atlas should be sufficient to locate it.

Good luck!

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Without a doubt. I've just made a thread of a few DSOs I observed last night and I have the same OTA as you, albeit on an EQ mount.

You're in for a treat I'd say as it's a pretty capable scope. :)

Having the same scope (as Virtual Cold), I'm interested which EPs you (Virtual Cold) used to see these; the supplied SW ones or something else?



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hi there as already said you will see more things from a good dark site ,but from your own back yard if light pol is not killing you there should be lots to see with that fine scope you have


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Having the same scope (as Virtual Cold), I'm interested which EPs you (Virtual Cold) used to see these; the supplied SW ones or something else?



Hi Mark, yeah I' just used the supplied EPs. Been meaning to invest in some new ones but just haven't got around to it yet. They've served me well thus far though :)

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