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How to find a galaxy or cluster?

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I've seen all of the major planets now and would like to move onto clusters and messiers but looking at Stellarium I can see some of them are just in the middle of nowhere (being the sky). I found m42 as it was directly below the belt of orion but how do I find some of the other DSOs?

I can't star hop at the moment if that helps because of the useless RDF so any alternatives would help :clouds2:

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I bought the book Turn Left at Orion - it's really good with simple instructions how to find stuff, and easy to use illustrations/simplified star maps showing how you'd see things in finderscope and smallish telescopes (SCTs, small fractors and dobs/newts up to 8 to 10"). Even tells best time of year and whether the assorted things can be seen in binoculars. Covers a good range of double stars, messiers objects like clusters, galaxies and nebulas. I really recommend it :clouds2:.

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If you go to the 'Sky and viewing options' box on the left of the screen (hidden til you mouse over that edge) or hit F4 you will see 3 sliders , bottom right of box , push the middle one further to the right and more objects will appear on screen.:clouds2:

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I don't own a GOTO, wanting to go through learning it manually before kicking back :icon_scratch:

Ahh I'd almost forgotten about Turn Left, its been some time since I've been out viewing and it was only to try and catch Saturn the last few times. I'll just need to find it, thanks :clouds2:

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Firstly use a low power EP (High MM) most of the DSO's will be small grey smudges, this will take a bit of practice to recognize, A Telred would really help and Stellarium, Cluster are a better object to track down there brighter and will be easier to find, there not grey smudges more grey blobs, once found a higher power (low MM) EP will show some awesome sights.

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The RDF just puts you roughly around the area.

starhopping is just that , now need to use the rdf i found.

Cancer is the ideal place to find a nice cluster, thats where i stumbled upon my first one. i use the stars as a rough guide then i gently sweep the scope slowly.

stellarium fibs a little, it shows lovey big fat colored galaxys and twinkling clusters. tbh clusters ahve not looked twinkling to me, just a huge mass of stars tightly grouped together.

mars is around the leo area and between denebola and regulus are a couple 3-6 galaxys. they going to be a gray color and fuzzy whispy.

saturn is around Virgo, and between virgos two arms is a multitude of galaxys. again find the star Vindematrix (left arm) then to the right of this star you find the galaxys.

i am new myself to this DSO hunting lark, the trick is to learn certain stars and constellation's i found then home into a smallish area, have a look, then have a look again.

i tend to now spend more time at the scope, than looking at stellarium, nows its a " yup im in the right area" , then its " omg there it is"

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