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Imaging with a 200p and D90

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This is going to seem like a real noob question but I'll ask it anyway! I've just got my first scope, a Skywatcher Explorer 200p on an EQ5. Using the supplied eyepieces I can resolve Saturn down enough to start to see some detail on the planet, just some faint bands etc which is great. The issue is when trying to get pics, the best I've got so far attached, a single shot with a Nikon D90 using the 2x barlow and prime focus.

My questions really is, how the hell do I get the image bigger? It's tiny in the full size shot, too small to resolve any detail. I've tried doing an avi diwh the D90 and stacking it in Registax 6 but the resulting image didn't look a lot different, I'm guessing because there still wasn't any detail for Registax to really use.

I know I'd be better off getting on ebay for a SPC900 but is this the best I can expect from a DSLR for planetary use?


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You would need to use a 5x barlow to get any scale with your camera. The webcams give a bigger scale due to the smaller chip (spc 900 sensor is roughly same as using 6mm eyepiece). That image is probably the size you would get using a webcam and no barlow.

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Yes, unfortunately that is about as good as you are going to get with a DSLR. A webcam or even better one of the Imaging source DMK/DBK cameras and a 5x barlow or powermate is what is normally used to get the best results. The DSLR chip is just too big to be useful, and leaves a lot of wasted space. Even with a 5x barlow, the planet just isn't going to fill a DSLR sensor.

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My 250PDS and Nikon D80 viewing the Moon, it just almost fills the FOV, the same scope with a Xbox Live Cam Prime focus, it only shows around 30% of the Moon, there a thread in the "Discussion, Camera" Section that show how to convert the Xbox Cam, mine cost less than a fiver of Amazon and the mod cost nothing and took 10 minutes.


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Grant, if you want you can try my zoom ep. It is threaded and I have the t-mount and adapter that will connect your D90 straight onto it. Was going to text earlier but forgot. my bad :clouds2:

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No probs Rab, my EQ5 head is back at Skywatcher this weekend anyway so no scope action for me. Hopefully by next weekend it'll be back and I'll have the xbox cam too, might be worth trying the combinations of kit to see what we can get?

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