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Saturn, Mars and some Doubles


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With a gap in the clouds, we managed to get the scope out for the first time in a few weeks. With the 'Super Moon' (no, not Keith) in the sky DSO's were off the menu.

Got the scope cooled and aligned by 10.30 ish and then spent a good 45 mins on Saturn. Really crisp image, 4 moons, Cassini and banding on the planet clearly visible. That made it worth getting the scope out alone. Then as I took over the eye piece from sflowers, a feint but very cool meteor went from the bottom to top of the view ;)

Moved onto Mars, not as nice as Saturn, but could make out some surface features and the poles.

Started to get misty around 11.30 and the moon was still hiding behind some low cloud on the horizon, so we had a look at a couple of doubles. Castor and Algeiba were stunning as usual, also had a look at a new one for us Iota Cancer (i Cancri, HR 3475+HR 3474) a very nice Blue/Red double.

Mist moved in, time to come in, but still a well needed session after the recent weather. Hope it clears soon :eek:

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I had a good look at saturn last night, i could see three moons. Nice to see after such a long spell of cloud cover.

I also tried for a couple of dso's as well but the moon was getting too bright by then. But when i tried to view the moon, the high cloud had covered it and all i could see was fuzz!

Lets hope we get some more clear skies soon.


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