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Well I've just been outside with my new celestron bins that I've recently got from FLO and......WOW. The views completely blew me away!

With the help of google sky I was able to identify a few objects. one that impressed me the most was mars, it wasn't majorly big but you could easily see the orangy red glow. it was quite impressive.....well to a beginner like me anyway.

My hands are now freezing! But well worth it. I have tingling in my fingers......I think it maybe aperture fever setting in lol

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You mention Mars but did you get a look at Saturn?

unfortunatly i got caught up in seeing Mars, Venus etc that i completely forgot about Saturn !, ill probably save saturn for a scope to see it in all its glory !.

I did see what i think was a satellite aswel. It was a bright star looking object moving across the sky, no red blinking lights so not a plane. just a bright white light.

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