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Using Digi-camera on video for avi-stack?


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Am using a regular digital compact with adapter-to-telescope eyepiece to take snapshots afocally. Now having got stacking software and wanting to get to know it for when i get a webcam modded, i wondered if using the camera's video function to capture avi footage is any good to put through registax, say to image moon or saturn for example?

Is this a waste of time?

Anyone have any info on this?



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Thanks for the link cornelius, my fuji finepix av250 already uses HD 720p videos which it saves as avi files. It was the thought of using a webcam in the future and needing to learn the software that made me think of my camera - the quality it records in is pretty decent especially when i mentally compare it to what i imagine a cheap webcam would do. Is there special settings or anything? The av250 lets you choose iso (100-1600) and certain other settings, its all lost on me though, I know roughly that iso is light sensitivity but its mostly guesswork.

Thanks for your insight and advice, I am going to take a look at your link now - Cheers.


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I hadnt realised registax used still shots. Especially as not many of my stills line up very well.

Thanks. Also, Registax-How does it work!!

Even the tutorials are beyond my technical understanding! WAH!

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