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Pixinsight - Stacking and calibration help needed


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I have decided to give PI a go for calibration and image stacking and I've missed something out somewhere but can not work out where from following PI tutorials on the net.

Here's what I have done so far.

1) Image Integration --> Creating a master bias from my bias frames.

2) Image Calibration --> Calibrating all of my flat frames with the master bias from the previous stage and getting a set of calibrated flats.

3) Image Integration --> Creating a master flat from integrating all of the calibrated flats.

At this stage I am happy with the calibrated flats I have got.

So then I want to add them to the light frames - At what stage do I do this as presumably my next step is ....

4) Star Alignment - To align all of my lights

5) Image integration - To create a single image from the aligned lights created in the step above.

I can not see where to add my master flat as neither the star alignment tool of image integration tool gives me the option to add it in.

Somewhere, between step 3) and 4) I must be missing a step, but can't decide what it may be. Anyone? :D

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Sarah, use the image calibration tool again to calibrate the lights, add you dark / bias and flats in, select target frames and output directory then away you go!

I have found although not the easiest to deal with Pixinsight does give the best results on calibration and and integrating files.

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Thanks all.

If I go about it the long way, then I need to add an extra Image calibration step in between 3) and 4) so I calibrate each light with the master flat, then align and integrate each calibrated light - Is that right?

@Harry - That looks good - Is it as easy as throw everything in and get a masterpiece out?!!

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