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Upgrade Advice

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Hi all,

Currently think of upgrading from my Celestron 6SE. Nothing wrong with the scope at all, just struck with appature fever.

I am currently looking at the 12" Meade LX90, but I have just though I could do a 2 stage upgrade approach and fo for the Skywatcher 6EQ mount and stick with my 6" OPA to carry out some astro photography, then look at going large with a bigger OTA at a later date.

Trouble is, my viewing location is far less than idea. I am in a second floor flat with a balcony. The balcony is on the corner of the building so it actuall afford me about 270 degrees of the sky, but crucially no view of the north (could be an issue with certain alignment systems as I can never see Polaris).

I suppose my questions are:

Does anyone have any experience of the 12" LX90 and what do theyy think of it? Can you assemble it on your own? Does it need to see the north to align? Can I carry out astrophotography with it?

What about getting the Skywatcher EQ6 mount - does it need to see Polaris to align? Can I mount my 6SE tube to it? I would like to get at least a 12 inch tube on it eventually, but guess a standard Newtonian is out due to restricted space on my balcony.

My primary aim is visual use, but some photography would be a bonus.

Also is 12" big enough for me to make out spiral structures in any galaxies? I have moderate to bad light pollution to contend with?

Many thanks in advance

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There are GPS modules and some mounts (maybe a LX200) that don't need to see Polaris as its all in the CPU/Software, that would solve your location problem,but there not cheap, having typed that go for big aperture and never worry about upgrading.

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Hate to have to tell you this but it's your observing location that's your problem.

Seing any structure in Galaxies requires dark skies. As its contrast that brings out the detail. From a LP location even a huge scope will struggle to show any detail. Whereas from dark skies a quite moderate aperture can start to draw out some detail.

If you have transport of any kind, getting to a better location to observe will be a better 'upgrade' than a larger scope.

Regards Steve

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I have no problem aligning with the 6SE, its a great 'scope, I just want something bigger!

I have just seen I can get the Meade LX200 10inch ACF OTA with the Skywatcher EQ6 Pro. Any comments on this configuration?

Does the EQ6 Pro need to see north to align itself?

Any good for AP?

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Hate to have to tell you this but it's your observing location that's your problem.

Seing any structure in Galaxies requires dark skies. As its contrast that brings out the detail. From a LP location even a huge scope will struggle to show any detail. Whereas from dark skies a quite moderate aperture can start to draw out some detail.

If you have transport of any kind, getting to a better location to observe will be a better 'upgrade' than a larger scope.

Regards Steve

I fully take your point regarding location and light pollution. Unfortunately I do not have transport and I enjoy the convenience of just plonking my scope on the balcony whenever I fancy it.

Just looking around now and wondering if I would be better off getting an EQ6 with a 80mm APO so at least I could have a go at some AP on my balcony, and get a little portable tripod so I can use my APO whilst out and about.

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So does anyone have any experience of the 12" LX90?

Can you assemble it on your own?

Does it need to see the north to align?

Can I carry out astrophotography with it?

What about getting the Skywatcher EQ6 mount - does it need to see Polaris to align?

Can I mount my 6SE tube to it?

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I have an HEQ5 and with the Synscan v3.28 (beta) software you can do a polar align just using the 3 stars that you do a 3 star allignment with (2 if you have already done cone correction manually). It calculates where you need to set the alt az bolts and moves the OTA to a calculated offset then you adjust the alt az bolts to centralize the star in the OTA/EP. I believe the NEQ6 handset is the same software.

Hope tht helps

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Yes thanks, that keeps the EQ6 in the running!

However I have watching some youtibe videos on polar aligning the EQ6 and don't think I hae the patients for that. I am still tending towards the Meade LX90 but am concerned it my suffer from the same failing gears issue as the etx models.

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