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Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dobsonian

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hi all

well ive just orderd my first scope Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dobsonian but now i am having second thoughts caus i have just noticed it comes with the r an p focuser i thought they came with the crayfords so it looks like i will be changing it for a 200. has anyone got the new 150 with the crayfords.

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If its your first scope you will be delighted, the r & p focuser will never win any awards, but it is perfectly serviceable. Why are you having second thoughts? What do you think the Crayford will offer that the r & p will not?

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It seems some 150P dobs have them but most don't. I have the crayford focuser on my 200P and personally I don't rate it any better than an R&P. They are not as smooth as I had expected and I've even modified mine and got it smoother. Try the rack & pinion and just enjoy the views if you find you don't like the focuser upgrade it later with a better make or type.

**Just looked and I must be mistaken as on Skywatcher's site it does not state a Crayford so they must all be R&P on the 150 dobs**

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good advice tribal wolf, i just want to get started been looking at some of the images these produce and they look very impresive the 200 looks better but it was just a bit out of my price range, so i got the scope times 2 barlow and a moon filter :).

your not to far from me do have meet ups

cheers sparkly.........

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I'd much rather have a well adjusted fine tooth rack and pinion than a pressure based crayford any day. No opportunity for slippage with cameras, binoviewers, or weighty eyepieces, and a dead positive action. Gotta be well engineered though :)

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Don't worry about the R and P focuser its fine. Make sure it's adjusted properly. If you find the focus wobbles a bit frustrating then just buy one of the Skywatcher electric focusers, only £50 and makes focusing smooth and wobble free - far cheaper than a Crayford upgrade. I have 2 of these electric focusers on my scopes (a 6" Newt and an 80 mm refractor) and I love them.

Enjoy your new scope

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thanks for your input,

i was looking at the electronic focuser the last scope i had which was years ago was a right pain to focus and you would lose your image when focusing, whch was mainly why i was questioning the r an p.

anyway it should arive next week :).

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