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Burnhams Celestial Handbook


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Hi Guys

in another thread (i couldn't find it!) I mentioned tht have purchased the three volumes of the burnhams handbook.

The copies i have were published in 1950, does anyone know what the latest editions are?

I know its wrong to assume, but i "assume" that the no longer publish these? would i be right in "assuming" that?

Does anyone have any later editions?



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My copies are also 1978. Volumes 1 and 2 are revised, greatly expanded versions of the original, privately printed (1966) edition.

The material in volume 3 has never before been published in any form.

Volume 1: Andromeda--Cetus ISBN 0-486-23567-X

Volume 2: Chameleon--Orion ISBN 0-486-23568-8

Volume 3: Pavo--Vulpecula. ISBN 0-486-23673-0

Cheers. Ron. :D

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indeed, just taken a brief look at mine too, all 1978.

I guess they must be close to collectors items now!

mind u its not like the sky has changed much since they were published!

That's true AT. It is a great pity that Burnham himself didn't get more recognition for his efforts though.

Here is a link to an article supplied by Astroman, a member of SGL. It is an article by AM's friend Tony Ortega, about Burnham's life. Very interesting.


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yes no doubt these are classics, and one i think that no astronomer should be without.

To think i only paid a tenner for all three, and these came from the USA!!! lol

I tihnk they should be up there with the norton star atlas.

Like the chemistry series by Arthur Vogel, another unsung hero of his field!

cheers for the link, i will have a read in a bit

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They couls reprint them quite easily

They would have to upadte the co-ordinates, put some newer pictures in and update some of the explanations a little.

But 90% of the book is still spot on which is amazing given it is 30 years since the last edition.



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They couls reprint them quite easily

They would have to upadte the co-ordinates, put some newer pictures in and update some of the explanations a little.

But 90% of the book is still spot on which is amazing given it is 30 years since the last edition.



to be honest, i think if u let some cowboy author in to update it, it could ruin the publication.

Perhaps it would be better to let Burnhams remain the unspoilt classics they are and start again.

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Yes, Burnham's was published in 1978 and the coordinates are from the 1950 epoch, but most modern planetarium software can precess the coordinates for you. Much of the data are dated, but a lot is still correct, as Lunator says. And, I agree with AstroTiger about any updates spoiling the original. Care to update Shakespeare? >ducks head and runs<

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