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Newbie needing filter advice

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I'm new to this site,and I'm lucky enough to have gotten a Skymaster 8" Dobsonian telescope for my thirtieth birthday. It came with two 1.25" eyepieces, a 25 and 10. I am hoping to get a couple of other filters and eyepieces but don't know where to start. I'm not even that sure how to work out if it'll fit ok !

I'm interested in getting a moon filter and probably a barlow eyepiece and maybe a red filter for veiwing Mars.

Any info and advice anyone could offe would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks, Jen

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I have something similar to this:

Celestron Astromaster Accessory Kit | Telescope Accessories | Rother Valley Optics

Mine has 9mm and 15mm eyepieces, but no Barlow (already got one with my 'scope) and three filters (moon, red and blue). The moon filter does help cut down the glare from the moon, especially when taking photos.

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i have the same scope and haven't used a filter yet [the moon is a bit bright but you get used to it [there is a moonfilter here for £6 ]U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell don't know make and a skywatcher barlow for £20 U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell .i haven't used the filter as i put sunglasses on when viewing the moon[nah only kidding :)] the barlow is useful but i don't find the moon bright enough to use a filter .

ps welcome to SGL

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Hi Jen

First off welcome to the SGL.

That's a great birthday present, lucky you.:icon_salut:

Have you tried observing the moon without a filter? The moon filters won't improve the view, all they do is cut down on the light.

Colour filters get very mixed reviews. Some love em and some love to hate em. If possible you may be well served going along to your local society viewing nights and try some before you part with any cash.

Regards Steve

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Thanks for the advice guys, I have veiwed the moon without a filter and it was absolutley cracking! I have read however that a filter would improve the contrast and thats what interested me. In regards to eyepieces i got really brilliant views with the 10mm so I quite fancy something else for the likes of Jupiter and Mars. Think I'll be getting a Barlow though :icon_salut:

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When the moon is fairly full then I find a filter helps because I actually find it's almost painful to look at something that bright without one. Some of the really cheap moon filter are pretty nasty though and best avoided.

The Tal 2x barlow is well regarded I believe, and I've found my Revelation/GSO 2x barlow to be perfectly acceptable. You might find yourself wanting better quality eyepieces as a result however. I'd be tempted to get the barlow, see how you get on with it and take things from there. I think it's fair to say that you'll need reasonably good seeing to get the best from a 10mm/2x barlow combination. If you do find that to be the case and you're not getting the use out of it that you expected then it may be worth looking at something like a 15mm that can be combined with the barlow to take you down to 7.5mm.


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