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Dew Shield for Nexstar 5

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I need a dew shield for my Nexstar 5 but I don't fancy forking out £30 for the official Celestron version (it looks like it's just foam and velcro !). Does anybody have a suggestion about a DIY alternative and what to make it out of ?.

Links to WWW sites showing how to do this would be appreciated.

Many thanks.


North Somerset.

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Hi John,

For my Meade a few years ago i used a very thin camp bed roll from a local camp shop, Cost £3. Cut it to size and bought a strip of Velcro from B&Q to hold it together. It worked as well those floppy dew shields can do.

Certainly worked better than the official BC&F job i bought this year for the Celestron C8. Bleddy thing wouldn't stay together. In the end I decided to buy the official Celestron rigid dew shield from David Hinds. Same price as the floppy job but much much better. Clips nicely in place. I would have thought the Rigid Nexstar 5 dew shield would be around £25. David Hinds do not advertise it on their website, you need to give them a call. It's worth the money.


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