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Hurrah for bendy Skywatcher bolts!


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As I've related elsewhere, part of the ceiling in my office fell onto my desk last week after a pipe burst. Amongst all the other things on the desk was my 450D, still mounted on a dovetail using one of the Skywatcher mounting bolts and locking thumbwheel that I'd taken from the rings of my ST120.

I didn't notice until checking it over last night that the bolt was noticeably bent and there's a chip missing from the thumbwheel, so I assume the camera must have suffered a fairly direct hit. The camera itself appears to be working fine and the autofocus still functions on the kit lens that was attached at the time, so it looks like the bolt bending must have absorbed a significant amount of the force of the impact and given the camera some protection.


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Yes, despite the sheer harrassment of the entire event and the pile of soggy paperwork that is still sulking at me waiting for me to see if there was anything important in it (I get the feeling that not paying your bills because they got soaked as a result of a burst pipe is similar to claiming the dog ate your homework) I'm rather relieved that it was nowhere near as bad as it could have been.


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