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DSS can't find any stars?

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I was playing last night, taking some wide field shots of Orion with my unmodded 450D. I have 80 subs of 30s to choose from, plus 40 darks also of 30s.

If I drop the whole lot into DSS and just go for register and stack with all the default options then it eventually reports that it can't find any stars. But if I select one of the lights, there are plenty of stars. Far more, and clearer, than some shots I took the previous night of Cancer and Auriga which didn't throw the same error.

Am I doing something obviously wrong, or is this just "one of those things" and I need to tweak some DSS options to get it to find the stars?


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Even with the setting at 2% it still can't find any. I can click on any "light" file and see at least a dozen in the image displayed by DSS without even trying though.

Is it possible that they're too big for DSS to recognise?


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Daft comment - but sanity checkk - when you loading, you are tell DSS, what are are dark & what are the lights ? (have done the same myself recently)

Other than that I wouldn't see why DSS can't recognise the stars .........

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I am loading them in as different types, thanks, Scarlet :(

I think the problem is probably the lack of roundness of my stars, probably down to my mount being overworked as I had the camera piggy-backed on the scope. I've grubbed around and found enough bits to mount a camera on a dovetail now, so I'll try that this evening.


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