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Dark adapted/red screen app for the iphone?


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Does anyone know of an app for the iphone which turns the screen red so that you can send & recieve messages, answer the phone and use various applications whilst the screen remains dark adapted red?

I have looked long and hard but cant find anything...:)

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It is unlikely you will find one due to the way applications are not allowed to access the core os.

However, if your iPhone is jailbroken you may find something to do it (btw I am not advocating jailbraking, just mentioning it)

Alternatively find some red plastic sheets and make yourself a screen cover.

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A itlee has said (having developed iPhone apps myself): the non-jailbroken iOS puts a dividing wall between each application which means you can't change the colour balance to red, except for your own application.

I wrote an app that works on the mac but that's a different story..

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Can anyone please tell me how do I start a thread

I can comment on others just can't work out how to start one

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Can anyone please tell me how do I start a thread

I can comment on others just can't work out how to start one

Once again sorry this is not a reply to your question

Just in case you are still struggling - Scroll up to the top of the page and click on the 'Stargazers Lounge' icon, then you will be taken to the homepage; from here you will see a list of sub forums down the left hand side that you can post to or start a thread under - click on one of these.

Underneath the sub forum description again on the left hand side there is a button to start a new thread.

Hope that helps!

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It is not a solution but may help. Go into settings general accessibility and change to white on black to see if that helps. If not do as I did and laminate some sheets of red film to the size of the iPhone and use an elastic band to hold them in place. Can also be used for the back of cameras or anything else you can think of.

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Hmmm..... :) I wonder if we could get one of the companies that produces the iphone screen protection covers to make some in a red film? If they produced them at a reasonable price I would buy them. :)

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