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whats best for me for £800?

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I have no doubt this question or a variant of it has been asked many times before, but after redecorating the house, buying the misses a car and buying the dog a new knee, its my turn to treat myself too a telescope...something i have wanted since i was about ten!

So i have set aside £800 pound and was wondering if i could get a bit of advice on whether what im thinking of getting is the right choice for me?

I would like to start with something that would give me some good views of the planets and also dso's but would work well as a beginners astrophotography set up once i get the hang of observing with it.

Now i was thinking of a skywatcher 200p on a heq5 mount but am wondering if, for £800, there is something else out their that i would be better off spending the money on?

Thank you in advance for any help with this,


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If you can get it for that price I would bite their hands off. are you sure you are not getting mixed up with the eq5? there is a world of difference between the two mounts. The 200 and eq5 works well as a visual instrument but is not quite so hot for imaging as the eq5 is pretty much at it's limit with the scope on. when you put a camera and bits on it you are unlikely to get the accuracy required. Some people have managed it but not all eq5's are created equal some are better than others. the heq5 has a little more latitude as it's a sturdier and more accurate mount but it's well over your £800 budget at least new that is. if you are flexible on price go for the heq5 and 200p but if £800 is your absolute set budget I would get a slightly smaller scope to take account of your imaging interest. The 200p and eq5 isn't a satisfactory imaging rig.


this rig is not as good a rig visually but it is a better imaging rig as the mount is better and the smaller scope gives it a little more tolerance

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Hi Benjii. Yeah my plan is just to start off with this and over time build up some money for a guided setup which im hoping will not be to hard to add to this mount. i dont suppose you have seen this set up any cheaper anywhere else have you, or anyone else for that matter?

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