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Don't think it would be rigid enough instead of rings and a dovetail :shock:, but I'd bow to superior knowledge.... :lol:

Sure it will... a nice tight bow knot should do the trick. I would wrap the rope around the mount twice for added peice of mind :wink:

Hang in there Rog... hours of viewing/imaging in your own dome has gotta be worth the headache's in the long run. Once the thing is up, you'll wonder what the fuss was about. You'll fall hopelessly in love with your new obs. Bunnies and flowers will suddenly seem such beautiful things of life. :cool:


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Hmmmm!!, what a 'b****y' farce this has turned out to be Rog, and all of it unnecessary, if the 'product' had been made to an acceptable standard in the first place.

I fully understand your frustration, with what should have been a real boost to your enjoyment of the hobby, and how the whole 'fiasco' has obviously left you feeling quite depressed.

However, as others have said, don't let it 'turn you away' from a hobby that you enjoy so much, as you would undoubtedly regret it.

If the Pulsar thing doesn't work, then let them take it away, and refund your hard-earned money. I know that it then means starting from 'scratch again', but it doesn't mean that has to be such a protracted affair, as you experienced this 'time around'. There are other manufacturers, as well as other alternatives to getting an observatory built and useable.

You have a lot of moral support among your mates, here on SGL, and as I'm only a hour 'up-the-road' from you, I'd be more than happy to drive down and give 'a hand', if it would be helpful to you.

I know from 'reading the mail', that you have a holiday home, very near to my location, and when up this way, you would be more than welcome to 'call in', to have a look at my obs, and 'pinch' any ideas for you own use.

So, 'hang on in there', and I'm sure it will all 'come right', and the current issues will become just 'water under the bridge'.

As I said, if there's anything that I can do help, and 'put a smile back on your face', you only need to ask :wink:


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Did one of the Skyshed Pods not appeal to you Rog.

There is a distributor in this country now, and from the videos I have seen, they seem a piece of cake to erect. Little pricey is all.


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thats a very kind offer Dave , thank you , as i read this i have just sent an e,mail to Pulsar, basically saying , fix it to my standard or supply me with a new Dome , if this all fails ,then look out i shall be coming your way heheheheh , but thanks once again, and that goes for all on here , you are all great ppl ,

and Ron i have not seen that obs i will look on the net ,



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Just had alook at the sky pods , and like them a lot , so if all else fails i will go for that ,and its £600 cheaper as well , just wish i knew about these before getting the pulsar now .as these are completly portable , but still retain stability,

oh well ya live and learn every day


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Sorry Rog, I've only just caught up with this thread,

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles m8, I hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction.

I also thought that the Pulsar Domes where supposed to be of good quality or at least they should be for the money they cost, it's not as if yours is the first one they've built.

Keep smiling me old china, it'll all work out in the end.

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I would be on the phone daily shouting at people.

I don't see why we should have to put with this sort of service. And I mean we, cos it affects us all in the long run!

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