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My Website


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Hi Guys,

Being ignorant of the ins and outs of website design I needed a simple and foolproof way of doing it. I did use the freewebs jobby for a little while but was regularly frustrated by it dropping out whilst trying to upload. So I went back the facility provided by my ISP - formerly telewest.

Anyhows, it is a bit basic, but absolutely fine for my little collection of astro photos.

I have been reprocessing all of my old images before posting on the website. This is taking more time than I can afford at the moment, but it is a pleasing task.

Feel free to have a poke around.



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Very nice images, and not a bad site for a free tool job. You need to check out your counter, it's knackered, and you might want to add a little section detailing the equipment you use to get those cracking pics. It seems to be the in thing, and I have to say I've kinda come to expect it now, we are all keen to know exactly how big a scope and how sensitive a camera it took to get that kind of shot.

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Very nice indeed Anthony. I would like a website too, but as yet I have nothing to put on it image wise.

I am pleased Kenny 10 B asked about the hardware you used to reap these great pictures. I am searching for a dedicated CCD myself, and it is always a great help to see what different cameras have delivered. Although I realise there is the processing component of an image too.

Great site you have, and will develop as you put more classy images like those on it.

Ron. :wink:

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That's very nice Anthony, and you have some 'cracking' images on there too.

I use my ISP's free web-hosting, but didn't use their web-page builder. Instead, I constructed mine off-line, using commercial software.

BTW, one constructive comment, on your web-site, is that it's a bit impersonal. I think that's its always nice to read a little bit about the guy behind the images, and his/her gear. Just personal preference mind.


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