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A meteor...in broad daylight!


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So I was out birding on Thursday (my daytime passion) at Beeley Moor in Derbyshire, when I was amazed to see what was obviously a very bright meteor streak through the sky.

I've seen loads under dark skies of course, but to see something like that in glorious sunshine was pretty special.

I'm wondering how rare an event this is? Given that it was visible (for about 2 seconds) during the day (at 13:05) do you think that it could have made landfall as a meteorite?


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I reckon it depends on the magnitude of it...if this one was easily noticible in daylight, then I reckon it might have been an event of -15 or so magnitude, so in night would be bright as a full moon.

I am not really very skilled at meteor identification though

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It is quite possible that it made landfall, but you would need some others observations of it from across the region to triangulate.

Of course it is possible it burnt up if it was visible for only a few seconds. There is also the possibility it just skipped on the atmosphere. I think there have been a few reported incidents of daylight meteors skipping through and then exiting again. I'm sure one big daytime event like that was caught on video in the 70s or 80s.

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