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Got the camera perfectly focussed tonight(yippie) i was just trying it out to get used to the Camera esp as it was cloudy most of the time. But it clear a little afterwards and i got the mount aligned ok and took some images.

This is deff the best of them, as you can see it was rather ORANGE with light pollution and Clouds. 4 frames stacked each frame at ISO 1600(wow does this camera perform well at that) esp of 3 mins each. First pic is just a stack no processing and second is processed in Image Plus and Photoshop(anyone fancy a go at the orange one?)



Going to reprocess tommorow :clouds1:..

Well chuffed James :clouds1:

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Hi Rog,

The orion pic is a crop :shock: the orignal was a huge FOV but street lights and clouds spoiled it somewhat so i cropped orion out :clouds1: couldnt get a longer exposure due to the clouds etc etc last night i was imaging through clouds most of the time :clouds1: cant wait too see what i get under better conditions should be great!

In the first image i have captured a Nebula no idea what it is (Unprocessed pic you can make it out top of the pic to the right) maybe a cluster but it looks like a nebula to me?



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looking very good there James i like the wide field on these pics and it begs for some serious wide field deep sky images , would be nice if you get a clear run try M31 i,m sure you can crack it first light, as long as you can deal with the light pollution , James is it possible to use filters with the camera, if so i would say get a CLS filter they are great for galaxies,




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