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B****y Hockey!!!


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Scope is out (cooled down), clouds are absent, haze not too bad, but the local hockey club are playing/training and the flood lights have tripled my light pollution

Just about make out Sirius and Orion!

Telescope for sale icon8.gif

Assume they pack up about 10pm and switch it all off, giving me some chance

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Is there any way you can shield the part of your house / garden / obsy from the light glare? A friend has a self-build obsy bordering onto a sports field and has incorporated light shields that fold up from the side of the obsy affected by the LP. This may cut down the amount of usable sky but if you concentrate on objects at the zenith this should make a difference.


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Observing conditions aside is there any way you can get to a dark(ish) location when the hockey monkeys are playing? I'm thinking you can work around their schedule by finding an alternative observing site, find a few astro buddies (safety in numbers) and avoid the LP.

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I have a sports centre, a 6th form college, an Inland Revenue building that lights up a walk way from a railway station, a neighbours security light that casts massive light on my house and a 30 feet orange street lamp ... /massive sigh -> I feel your pain!

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I have a sports centre, a 6th form college, an Inland Revenue building that lights up a walk way from a railway station, a neighbours security light that casts massive light on my house and a 30 feet orange street lamp ... /massive sigh -> I feel your pain!

when did you move your house next to me:)

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Observing conditions aside is there any way you can get to a dark(ish) location when the hockey monkeys are playing? I'm thinking you can work around their schedule by finding an alternative observing site, find a few astro buddies (safety in numbers) and avoid the LP.

Yes, indeed I do, and SGL member Swampthing and the Surrey Observing lads had invited me to meet them tonight for a dark site viewing. I've had a lunch time drink so couldn't drive out there. Rock n roll lifestyle you see icon10.gif

Just having a moan. Might just have another beer instead! (yes, I know alcohol ruins your eyesight!)

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Jolly hockey sticks went home and BANG! the sky was mine (well as much as a suburban garden will allow). Just finished for the night but had some excellent views of Saturn (and 3 moons - possibly?), first garden view of M81 and M82 and almost thought I got some detail from Mars. Perhaps my imagination......

The evening was salvaged and just a shame I have to turn it in for work!

Clear skies. Hurrah

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