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Autoguider choice - choice of 3 - need help please.


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I am considering one of 3 all-in-one autoguiders.

LPI Smartguider II

Celestron Nexguide Autoguider

SkyWatcher Synguider Autoguider

The mount is the NEQ6 Pro and guidescope ST80 with the main scope being a SW Equinox ED120.

Is one of these a cut above the rest or are they all much of a muchness so to speak.

Priority is of course accuracy in tracking over time and next would be ease of setting up.

I currently have a QHY5 camera and misplaced the driver cd it came with in a p/ex package. I downloaded a few drivers but just cannot seem to get it to work with Qvideo nor PHD (though I think it is me and my learning curve rather than the camera !). I may even have conflicting drivers installed !

Many thanks in advance,


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Bern at Modern astronony should be able to point you to a download site for the drivers...

I am sure someone uploaded everything you need on here last year... I will try and dig a link out tomorrow...

Apart from not having the software is there another reason you want to try standalone guiding?


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Thanks Peter, I emailed Bern almost 2 months ago on recommendation from Rother Valley but I have still not heard back as of yet. Peter I have installed a few drivers from good sources and think I might have a conflict. The main problem seems to be QVideo which I just cannot seem to get working - light comes on the camera when power is attached. Having never used a guide camera before I am sure it is something that I am doing wrong - this is the main reason for considering an all in one autoguider though of course i will lose the ability for planetary imaging. That said, I also have a ScopeTronix Maxview II which I am having fun with too - I will save that thread for another month though :)


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Many thanks Scarlet, I will flush out the drivers and start again - I also use BYEOS as well as PHD but I will attempt to get it to work solely with PHD for starters.


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Really appreciate your help Peter - not getting the QGvideo to capture is perhaps the most frustrating, i did spend a few hours banging my head against an NEQ6 mount. Couldn't fathom it out and i guess decided at that time to go with an all in one auto/smartguider solution.

Ok, one daft question - I have the QHY5 + nosepiece direct into the ST80 (ie no diagonal) no other extension. I am just thinking out aloud here that I might be missing an extension to bring it all to focus and maybe that is a reason i am not seeing anything ?

Sorry for being a pain !


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I have used the x2 barlow that came with the ST80 with its lens removed as an extension piece to get my Synguider to focus...

I prefer the flexibility that a guide cam and PHD provides but have got the synguider for my mobile setup... I havent really used it in anger maybe I will get a chance at SGL7 with the EQ3-pro...


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Steve - I also use BYE, but don't have PHD running on it. So yes, just use PHD on it's own (will via ascom), remember to download ASCOM platform also. I assume (it is only a guess), that running PHD & chosing the ascom option, then it needs the platform.

Another test could be to see if the QHY5 will run as a standard webcam (using sharpcap or something like).

Exactly the same as Peter, ive used the 2 x barlow tube, as an extender (after removing the lens).

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I fired up the PC...

Here you go Steve... I guessed correctly that it was Pete Adams who had uploaded a driver set...


Thats the post with the Zip in it but the whole thread might be worth a read...

and here's the link to the Sticky...



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Never even knew of sharpcap - I will google and download that.

I did download some Ascom drivers but not sure which one.

However ..... one thing I have not done is what yourself and Peter have suggested and that is to use the barlow - minus the lens for the extension.

I know we have strayed off topic a bit but hey, if I can get this working I will be well chuffed :)

Thank you so much again for your advice :)


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Brilliant, the 1024 drivers seem to be the way forward and there was even a comment about ascom drivers having a problem with QGvideo unless my camera had a firmware upgrade (doubtful).

Thanks once again,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update, got an Email from Bern complete with a .pdf document and a link to all required drivers. What a lovely surprise :)

Also picked up a few more .pdf on how to use PHD and some basics.

Everything is now printed out - just waiting to see if the thin cloud has moved and if so I shall be out tonight and see if I can overcome my 6 minute maximum capture ;)


ps Thanks again everyone for all your help :)

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Any camera will track, provided it is sensitive enough to pick up something to track on.

Sorry to jump on thread but that quote interests me.

So you're saying you could really use any webcam as long as:

a) you can get it connected to guide scope

:) its sensitive enough to get a star

c) gain usable focus on said star....

Again, sorry to jump on thread :)

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Olly, coming from you that means a lot - many thanks indeed :)

I have taken a few piccies with my modded Canon 450D but still shy on uploading them just yet lol The workflow is something else I need to learn :)

Thanks Olly,


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