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Venus & Jupiter with possible moon shadow? 11/03/2012


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Hi everyone I noticed the sky was nice & clear tonight so I set up my scope & set about some imaging. I used 2 stacked 2X Barlow lenses & webcam to get these although for some reason Jupiter was being a bit of a pain to get a nice clear image via my 200P scope.

This first shot is showing a black spot on the planet I am a bit of a newbie & still learning as I've only started taking images a few times since owning the scope in December, but I think it's a shadow from one of the moons maybe? On the top of the Jupiter image just to the left there is a bit of a bump showing, would that be part of one of its moons? As I could only see 3 through the eyepiece.

Jupiter taken 11/03/2012 at 19:36PM


Venus taken at 20:02PM tonight


I find Venus a bit of a tough one to image due to the brightness of it. I've only got an IR filter that came with the webcam adapter so I turned the gain & brightness down a lot in Sharpcap.

I'm off back out now to attempt an image Mars & Saturn if the moon don't spoil it for me tonight & hopefully Mars turns out better than my usual orange blobs. :)

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Hi Tich, that little bump that you have imaged top left is Jupiter`s moon Europa and the dark spot is its shadow. So well captured. Europa is just about to leave Jupiter`s disc after its transit with its shadow trailing behind.:)

Best regards,


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I was out viewing both Jupiter and Venus around the same time with my 200p and I saw Europa sticking out the side of Jup' and the dark circle and wondered if it could be the moons shadow. That's ace that its been confirmed!

I found Jupiter a little hard to get a good focus on as well, I was just visually observing but it certainly didn't seem as sharp as I've seen him in the past. And I was quite surprised one of the equitorial belts seems to have faded :) I haven't looked at Jup' for a while because i've been waiting for mars.

Great pictures you've got there dude! Ace to see what the 200p can do! :)


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