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Bob's Knobs UK Supplier?

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Hi all,

Where is the best place to order Bob's Knobs from? I just went through all the Order process on the Moonfish site before finally twigging they're based in Spain. I'd rather use a UK supplier if possible. Anyone help? It's for the new Celestron C8 (pre 2005 model).



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If you really want a UK source try:


where they call 'em "Coll-U-Mates". I'd make one observation here: £15-99 seems rather high for three screws! :shock: Perhaps the states is the place to get them at present.

You're exactly right. I don't mind supporting UK suppliers, but when I can get the same product from the USA for half the price including postage and packing, there's no way I'll be going with the UK version.

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